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Extended Reality- S.W.I.M

One of the major initatives of our club is the Sequential Wave Imprinting Machine (SWIM). It is an augmented reality system that does not require any specialized equipment. Using basic components such as LEDs, microcontrollers and sensors, the SWIM is a system that can be used to represent the virtual world in the real world, building upon Steve Mann's pioneering work. This project explores the intersection between wearable technology and immersive environments to create new alternatives for augmented reality applications. Some examples of these are included here.

Club Activity: Comparametric Equations and SWIM

Brain Computer Interface

One of our exciting initiatives focuses on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) systems, specifically using the Muse EEG headset by Interaxon. The project's primary goal is to use these types of wearables to facilitate brain-computer interface (BCI) systems, enabling users to control their devices and interact with the world around them.

Literature review for BCI:

BCI lit review PDF (BCI lit review LaTeX source code as zipfile)


Another exciting initiative is the sophisticated assistive device facilitating mobility for people with disabilities. With computer vision combined with real-time spatial computing, physical support, wayfinding assistance, and even water navigation are all becoming available. Force-feedback control and natural user interfaces are some of its features, enabling adaptation to the users' needs, thus improving independence, accessibility, and promoting sustainability. More about this project can be found soon.

Mersivity Ball

This project combines wearable tech and IMU sensors to enhance spinal rehab. Users walk on water inside a waterball while receiving real-time posture feedback via a head-mounted display, promoting core strength and balance through a low-impact exercise. More about this project can be found soon.
HumanSys 2024 Paper [PDF]

Safeguarding Humanity with Sousveillance

Upcoming Deadlines

Data Collection for Brain Waves on the Muse on Mar 8 and 9 at Sedar Sauna
IEEE ICCV: Call for Papers on Mar 9